(Trying to) Fix A Bug in VSCode

Hello all,

For this blog post, we were assigned to research and if possible, fix a bug in Visual Studio Code. Let me start off by saying, wow, did I underestimate the difficulty level of not just fixing a bug, but trying to even find a good bug to fix. After scouring the open issues with the label of ‘bug’ (and other labels as well), I came upon a few that seemed like good first bugs.
The bug that I found was in regards to the integrated terminal layout. It required that the width of the terminal margins be altered. Easy enough, right? Well, the issue didn’t have much detail, or a photo, so I set about trying to adjust the margins.

Screen Shot 2018-02-24 at 10.20.16 PM

Well, one crucial detail to help me find the place to start is the fact the “end right margin is 10px”. So, I toggled developer tools, opened the integrated terminal, and went about selecting various div elements inside the terminal window, to see the margin settings.

I searched for “right” within the code, and couldn’t find any right margin of 10px. I tried the terms “margin” and “10px” as well, but to no avail.

Screen Shot 2018-02-24 at 10.18.43 PM

I tried modifying some of the left and right margins that I did find, but none of that seemed to make any difference. In the example below, I thought I had caught on to something by setting the right padding to 20px, but it seemed to only be affecting the scrollbar margin, and not the margin the issue was describing.

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Well, after some time of searching around and experimenting with different numbers, I decided to give up. The issue wasn’t detailed enough for my liking (no indication of OS or VSCode version either), and so, despite me thinking it would be a piece of cake to fix, I decided to call it a day.

Now, I’m thinking of tackling this issue regarding an unnecessary confirmation prompt. The good thing about it is that it has more details, and someone even provided a code pointer. We’ll see how it turns out…

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